Rising Kindergarten Checklist
[ ] Register your child at CMS
Visit the CMS Enrollment Page . In compliance with North Carolina law, students must be 5 years of age on or before August 31st to be considered for Kindergarten.
[ ] Attend the Prospective Parent Information Night
This is an adult-only evening to learn all about S.A.I.L. . Topics will include language immersion, and its benefits, how our school teaches in a full-immersion setting along with the school’s mission and philosophy.
[ ] Attend a school tour of South Academy of International Languages
Come and see how SAIL runs: visit the French, German, Chinese, and Japanese classrooms, talk to seasoned parents, ask the principal questions, and tour the Middle School. You must preregister for the school tour - space is limited!
[ ] Enter the CMS school lottery
Visit CMS School Choice and choose South Academy of International Languages and mark which languages you would like for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. Be sure to write down your confirmation number after submitting the application.
[ ] Receive your acceptance letter to South Academy of International Languages in the mail
Lottery results will be mailed to all families who participated in the lottery within a few weeks after the lottery closes. Be sure to keep this letter as it will have your child’s student ID number.
[ ] Attend the Kindergarten Beginner’s Day
In April, you will be invited to the Kindergarten Beginner’s Day which will occur in late April/early May. You will have a chance to meet the principal, teachers, and new classmates. You will learn all about the school and its programs.
[ ] Join the parent Facebook group, visit SAIL’s CMS page, and follow SAIL on social media
The Facebook Parent page is a closed Facebook group open only to current and alumni SAIL parents. It is a place to ask questions and get information about events at SAIL. Visit the CMS South Academy of International Languages site. Lastly, SAIL is on Instagram and Facebook.
[ ] Over the summer, order your school supplies, review the school uniform policy, complete health assessment form, obtain immunization records, and sign up for transportation. If needed, sign up for ASEP.
School supply kits can be ordered until June. SAIL is a uniform school; make sure to check out the policy. Your child will need to be up-to-date with all immunizations and have a health assessment form filled out by their doctor. Transportation forms usually need to be filled out by July. If needed, SAIL offers before and after school care (ASEP) with registration typically opening up early June.
[ ] Sign up for Parent Square
ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. You will get an invitation from the school to join ParentSquare in August. Parent emails are generated through PowerSchool. Please contact the school registrar or front office to update your email address if you have not received an invitation.
[ ] Register with sailptso.org
The PTSO website is where you'll be able to sign-up for volunteer committees, donate to the school, have access to our private, secure directory, and find lots of helpful information (including Room Parent communications)!
[ ] Attend the Kindergarten Meet & Mingle
Kindergarten families are invited to our Kindergarten Meet & Mingle, usually held in August, the Saturday or two Saturdays before the start of school. This is a great way to meet new classmates and families, both new and returning to the school. The event takes place on the SAIL playground and a special treat is provided for the student.
[ ] Receive your SAIL informational packet in the mail
Approximately 7-10 days before the first day of school, you will receive a letter in the mail letting you know your child’s teacher, your child’s staggered entry* date, along with busing information (bus number and bus stop times for the morning and afternoon) if you chose CMS transportation over the summer.
*your child will be assigned to come only one day during the first 4 days of school. On this staggered day, your child will have the chance to become familiar with their teacher, the teacher’s assistant, and the classroom in a small group setting. On the Friday of the first week of school, they will return to school with the whole class.
[ ] Attend Open House
Open House usually takes place a few days before the first day of school. It will give you the chance to meet your teacher, drop off your school supplies (if you didn’t pre-order them), talk to the transportation table, and drop off immunization/medical records with the school nurse. You can also shop for items such as carpool tags, Used Blues, car magnets, and yard signs. Lastly, tables will be set up to learn about ASEP and after school clubs.
[ ] Sign up for Passive Fundraising
Once school starts, you will be able to help raise money just by shopping at stores like Harris Teeter, Publix, Office Depot, etc. Check out Passive Fundraising to learn more.
[ ] Attend Sip And Sob
On your child’s first full day (on the Friday of staggered entry week), have a cup of coffee on the cafeteria patio with fellow SAIL parents, meet some new friends, and get to know some PTSO members.
[ ] Attend Schultüten Ceremony
On your child’s first full day (on the Friday of staggered entry week), Kindergarteners receive a cone-shaped cornucopia filled with treats, sweets, and toys to make starting real school just a little bit sweeter. All languages, not just German, take part in this wonderful ceremony.