Spirit Rock Form

Do you want to do something special for your child to celebrate a birthday or accomplishment? You can tell them how proud you are by painting it on our Spirit Rock for everyone in the school to see! Online payment via the form is required to paint the rock. The rock is available to all students and family members of the school. 

How It Works:

Use the form to pay for your Month and Date(s).

The rock is reserved from 4:00 pm the day before you signed up until 4:00 pm on the day you reserved it. For example, if your child's birthday is Tuesday, September 20th and you want them to arrive at school that day to see their name on the rock, you will reserve Tuesday, September 20th. You then paint the rock on Monday, September 19th at 4:00 pm. If someone has reserved Wednesday, September 21st, they can begin painting the rock on Tuesday, September 20th at 4:00 pm.

Painting Tips:

The best paint to use is spray paint. You will probably need 4-5 cans for a good base coat.  Based on the color you choose, it may take an extra can or two to create a good base color. Don't worry about getting expensive paint - the cheap stuff will work fine, just make sure it is outdoor spray paint. Latex paint or paint that is rolled will take longer to dry. To paint your design, we recommend that you use acrylic craft paint and foam brushes. They are available at Wal-Mart or any craft store.  


- Do not attach anything to the rock - NO balloons, signs, banners, gems, glitter, etc. 
- Do not paint on any surface but the rock. The sidewalk, grass area, and road are public property and are not a part of this PTSO activity.  
- Please be kind to our environment and take all trash and empty cans when you're finished. 

Good luck and HAVE FUN!


Spirit Rock Form